Can YOU help?
Please be in contact if…
You would like to become a member organisation
You can help with contacts in the press or government
You could give your time to promote the Trust in your area
You have ideas or suggestions
You want to share your experiences of summer camps
Go to the CONTACT US section and send a message.
The Summer Camps Trust is always grateful to receive donations to:
Continue to expand our work of lobbying and publicising summer camps
Provide sponsorship for underprivileged children to attend Try Out Camps
Subsidise training for young leaders
To make a one-off donation securely click on the button below, or send a cheque made payable to The Summer Camps Trust to The Summer Camps Trust, Kildare, Manby Road, MALVERN, WR14 3BD.
To donate on a regular basis please contact us or call us on 01684 – 577033.